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Filecoin Lotus Lite Node

30 January, 2023 - 7 min

I've recently embarked on a journey into the exciting world of web3. Alongside some friends, I've started working on a side project built on Filecoin. If you are not familiar with Filecoin, I believe it can be described as a decentralized storage network built using blockchain protocols.

In this article I'm going to walk through the setup of a Lotus lite node, which allows us to interact with the Filecoin network. We'll be able to create contracts (upload file), check their state/status and download files.

1. Install Macos Dependencies

First things first, we need to install the necessary dependencies for the Lotus lite node.


$ brew install go bzr jq pkg-config hwloc coreutils

$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

2. Clone repo

After we have the dependencies we can download the hyperspace tag from the lotus repo.

git clone https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus.git
git fetch origin
git checkout v1.20.0-hyperpsace-0119
git submodule update --recursive

3. Build lotus for Hyperspace

Once we get the repo we can now build the hyperspace version of the lotus lite node.

3.1. Additional environment vars for M1

export LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/homebrew/lib
export PATH="$(brew --prefix coreutils)/libexec/gnubin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"

3.2. Remove existing mainnet files

rm -rf ~/.lotus/datastore //remove your lotus chain datastore
rm -rf ~/.lotus/sqlite //remove your eth tx hash map or event database if exists

3.2. Build Lotus image

make clean && make hyperspacenet
sudo make install

4. Start Lotus lite node

Now we can finally start our lite node! Leave it running in a separate terminal while you interact with it.

$ FULLNODE_API_INFO=wss://wss.hyperspace.node.glif.io/apigw/lotus lotus daemon --lite
2023-01-23T12:23:08.850Z        INFO    main    lotus/daemon.go:219     lotus repo: /Users/vicente/.lotus
2023-01-23T12:23:08.868Z        WARN    cliutil util/apiinfo.go:94      API Token not set and requested, capabilities might be limited.
2023-01-23T12:23:09.773Z        INFO    modules modules/core.go:64      memory limits initialized       {"max_mem_heap": 0, "total_system_mem": 17179869184, "effective_mem_limit": 17179869184}
2023-01-23T12:23:09.773Z        WARN    modules modules/core.go:124     failed to initialize cgroup-driven watchdog; err: cgroups-driven watchdog: watchdog run mode not supported
2023-01-23T12:23:09.773Z        WARN    modules modules/core.go:125     trying a system-driven watchdog
2023-01-23T12:23:09.773Z        INFO    watchdog        go-watchdog@v1.3.0/watermarks.go:16     initialized watermark watchdog policy; watermarks: []; thresholds: [8589934592 10307921510 12025908428 14602888806 15461882265 15891378995 16320875724]
2023-01-23T12:23:09.773Z        INFO    watchdog        go-watchdog@v1.3.0/watchdog.go:472      initialized heap profile capture; threshold: 0.900000; max captures: 10; dir: /Users/vicente/.lotus/heapprof
2023-01-23T12:23:09.773Z        INFO    modules modules/core.go:130     initialized system-driven watchdog

5. Upload a file

Before we can actually upload a file we have to create a wallet and fund it! We can use their faucet to add 5FIL to our wallet.

lotus wallet new


5.1 Create sample file

For hyperspace we can use some sample image since deals are not as strict.

dd if=/dev/urandom of=5mb-filecoin-payload.bin bs=1M count=5

5.2 Generate the CAR file

$ lotus client import 5mb-filecoin-payload.bin
Import ..., Root bafykbzacebj47nl7u37knizcpzr6cgawifnvv3xb4ezlxiruqvz7skjhxzvw6

6.3 Create deal

We can now create a storage deal.

$ lotus client deal
Data CID (from lotus client import): bafykbzacebj47nl7u37knizcpzr6cgawifnvv3xb4ezlxiruqvz7skjhxzvw6
.. calculating data size
Deal duration (days): 180
Miner Addresses (f0.. f0..), none to find: t01130
.. querying miner asks
Proposing from t14tg3p2tjxr6wzu6f4p7xzrndk23wdkygfcnnepi
        Balance: 5 FIL

Piece size: 4MiB (Payload size: 3.565MiB)
Duration: 4320h0m0s
Total price: ~0 FIL (0 FIL per epoch)
Verified: false

Accept (yes/no): yes
.. executing
Deal (t01130) CID: bafyreihoslfpcgk6moeugyx5uuexwfg6oionbquc4fqeu4uphymuyanimu

7. Downloading our file

Once the storage deal goes through (check the states here) we can then download the file. You can check the deal id using the following command

$ lotus client list-deals
DealCid      DealId  Provider  State                          On Chain?  Slashed?  PieceCID     Size       Price  Duration  Verified
...3hzpxipu  827     t01130    StorageDealAwaitingPreCommit   N          N         ...bfd7h4da  1016 MiB   0 FIL  521750    false
...muyanimu  0       t01130    StorageDealCheckForAcceptance  N          N         ...5ffijqiy  3.969 MiB  0 FIL  521709    false
  Message: Provider state: StorageDealPublishing

Using it you can go to the filecoin.tools for example and find the MinerID and the PayloadCID to use on the retrieve command.

$ lotus client retrieve --provider t01130 mAXCg5AIgU8+1f6b+pqMifmPhGBZBW1ru4eEyu6I0hXP5KSe+a28 5mb-filecoin-payload.bin

Recv 0 B, Paid 0 FIL, Open (New), 0s [1674909107209474001|0]
Recv 0 B, Paid 0 FIL, DealProposed (WaitForAcceptance), 17ms [1674909107209474001|0]
Recv 0 B, Paid 0 FIL, DealAccepted (Accepted), 103ms [1674909107209474001|0]
Recv 0 B, Paid 0 FIL, PaymentChannelSkip (Ongoing), 103ms [1674909107209474001|0]
Recv 217 B, Paid 0 FIL, BlocksReceived (Ongoing), 151ms [1674909107209474001|217]
Recv 1 MiB, Paid 0 FIL, BlocksReceived (Ongoing), 728ms [1674909107209474001|1048793]
Recv 2 MiB, Paid 0 FIL, BlocksReceived (Ongoing), 858ms [1674909107209474001|2097369]
Recv 3 MiB, Paid 0 FIL, BlocksReceived (Ongoing), 957ms [1674909107209474001|3145945]
Recv 3 MiB, Paid 0 FIL, Complete (CheckComplete), 989ms [1674909107209474001|3145945]
Recv 3.565 MiB, Paid 0 FIL, BlocksReceived (CheckComplete), 994ms [1674909107209474001|3737905]
Recv 3.565 MiB, Paid 0 FIL, WaitForLastBlocks (WaitingForLastBlocks), 1.003s [1674909107209474001|3737905]
Recv 3.565 MiB, Paid 0 FIL, AllBlocksReceived (FinalizingBlockstore), 1.003s [1674909107209474001|3737905]
Recv 3.565 MiB, Paid 0 FIL, BlockstoreFinalized (Completed), 1.003s [1674909107209474001|3737905]

8. Upload from IPFS

Alternatively we can upload a file directly from IPFS to the Filecoin network.

8.1 Install IPFS node

$ brew install ipfs # or alternative to your OS

8.2 Configure IPFS node

$ ipfs init
$ ipfs daemon
# stop lotus lite node

8.2 Configure Lotus lite node to use IPFS

Restart the node after editing the config. Make sure the IPFS node is running.

# edit config file (maybe ~/.lotus/config.toml)
UseIpfs = true

8.3 Upload file to IPFS

$ ipfs add -r testfile.jpeg
added QmfDJ2aYoKEP4cTNMoyXxNbdRbBRC49pxvSbqzUJBT73VU C6675BE8-76DB-4821-A820-8E44FE642F37_1_105_c.jpeg
 219.95 KiB / 219.95 KiB [====================================================================] 100.00%

8.4 Create deal

$ lotus client deal
Data CID (from lotus client import): QmfDJ2aYoKEP4cTNMoyXxNbdRbBRC49pxvSbqzUJBT73VU
.. calculating data size
Deal duration (days): 180
Miner Addresses (f0.. f0..), none to find: t01129
.. querying miner asks
Proposing from t14tg3p2tjxr6wzu6f4p7xzrndk23wdkygfcnnepi
        Balance: 7 FIL

Piece size: 256KiB (Payload size: 220.1KiB)
Duration: 4320h0m0s
Total price: ~0 FIL (0 FIL per epoch)
Verified: false

Accept (yes/no): yes
.. executing
Deal (t01129) CID: bafyreidviebrk3d65rey6hg5nr3mvhqotvgrias5nsqpcfbicch4622u5q

Hope this gives you an idea on how to get started with Filecoin using a Lotus Lite node.

Hope you enjoyed! Vicente

Articles in this web3 series

  1. Blockchain - What is a Blockchain?
  2. Ethereum Tokens - What are Ethereum Tokens?
  3. Filecoin Lite Node - How to setup a Filecoin Lite Node locally
  4. Lighthouse - A perpectual storage solution using IPFS and Filecoin
  5. Boost - Filecoin deal management tool for Storage Providers