Boost - Filecoin deals management tool
19 March, 2023 - 4 min
Setting up and creating a Filecoin deal with Boost
Boost is an open-source tool that has been specifically designed to cater to the needs of Filecoin Storage Providers. It has emerged as a popular choice among storage providers who want to manage their storage deals efficiently. However, it's not just limited to storage providers - clients can also utilize Boost to initiate storage deals with ease.
In this article, I'll guide you through the process of setting Boost up locally and the steps involved in initiating a storage deal, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of how Boost can be utilized to streamline your Filecoin storage deals.
note: I'll be using the hyperspace testnet.
1. Setup BOOST (macos)
For the official guide check here.
1.1 First we need to install the required dependencies
brew install node@16
brew install bzr jq pkg-config hwloc coreutils
1.2 (optional) If you have multiple node versions consider nvm
curl -o- | bash
nvm install 16 # run if you don't have node 16
nvm use 16 # note: not needed if you ran install command
1.3 Now we can download and build boost
export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/homebrew/lib
git clone
cd boost
make build
sudo make install
2. Init BOOST node
2.1 Run init command
$ boost init
INFO boost boost/init_cmd.go:46 default wallet set {"wallet": "f3wtin6jbsufk5cujufqizrprph5rxyfbyqb6ffxqkb2mweynchk4dlrr574tgwmndh7ik5qfunu2uyfatyt7q"}
INFO boost boost/init_cmd.go:53 wallet balance {"value": "0"}
WARN boost boost/init_cmd.go:58 market actor is not initialised, you must add funds to it in order to send online deals
Note the wallet that was just created and use the hyperspace faucet to fund it.
3. Create Storage Deal request
3.1 Create CAR file
$ boostx generate-car ../testing ./
Payload CID: bafykbzacebj47nl7u37knizcpzr6cgawifnvv3xb4ezlxiruqvz7skjhxzvw6
3.2 Calculate the CommP and Piece Sice from the CAR file
$ boostx commp
CommP CID: baga6ea4seaql3zzi4ctxekhmudaaca2qbz4yqzylq3dtarid424l7n25ffijqiy
Piece size: 4194304
Car file size: 3738170
3.3 Upload file to an HTTP server
In this case you can use for example Lighthouse.
3.4 Create deal
$ boost deal --verified=false \
--provider=t01036 \
--http-url=\?fileId\ \
--commp=baga6ea4seaql3zzi4ctxekhmudaaca2qbz4yqzylq3dtarid424l7n25ffijqiy \
--car-size=3738170 \
--piece-size=4194304 \
sent deal proposal
deal uuid: e7e18d68-0691-453c-afca-2fd63bfd56a4
storage provider: f01036
client wallet: f3wtin6jbsufk5cujufqizrprph5rxyfbyqb6ffxqkb2mweynchk4dlrr574tgwmndh7ik5qfunu2uyfatyt7q
payload cid: bafykbzacebj47nl7u37knizcpzr6cgawifnvv3xb4ezlxiruqvz7skjhxzvw6
commp: baga6ea4seaql3zzi4ctxekhmudaaca2qbz4yqzylq3dtarid424l7n25ffijqiy
start epoch: 185096
end epoch: 703496
provider collateral: 0
3.5 Check Storage deal status
Unfortunately there seems to be something wrong with the CommP calculated locally and the one calculated by the SP upon responding to the deal.
$ boost deal-status --provider=t01036 --deal-uuid=e7e18d68-0691-453c-afca-2fd63bfd56a4
got deal status response
deal uuid: e7e18d68-0691-453c-afca-2fd63bfd56a4
deal status: Error: failed to verify CommP: commP expected=baga6ea4seaql3zzi4ctxekhmudaaca2qbz4yqzylq3dtarid424l7n25ffijqiy, actual=baga6ea4seaqgrqj4ifoog25o5vnizq5kj6vqf4zq3r5wos57qbecqp6mngytqdy: commp mismatch
deal label: bafykbzacebj47nl7u37knizcpzr6cgawifnvv3xb4ezlxiruqvz7skjhxzvw6
publish cid: <nil>
chain deal id: 0
Hope this gives you a boost to start playing around with Filecoin deals.
Hope you enjoyed! Vicente
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